Sign up to enroll for the



The Downtown Oakville Gift Card is a program managed by the Downtown Oakville Business Improvement Area (BIA) and is designed to stimulate additional spending in the Downtown Core and to encourage local buying and spending.  These Gift Cards can be accepted at participating Downtown Oakville business.

This Visa Gift Card is a great gift for any occasion, enabling the recipient to choose to spend their card at any participating Downtown businesses. Whether it’s a visit Downtown for a dinner celebration, a theatre show or Christmas gifts for a coworker or staff rewards, the Downtown Oakville Gift Card makes a fantastic gift. 

There are no fees for you to register with the program. There is a maximum cost of 5% for processing a Gift Card, inclusive of the fees that you already pay your Payment Services Provider. This fee for accepting the card will differ from merchant to merchant depending on their Payment Service Provider agreement. For example, if a merchant has agreed to a fixed rate for all card payments regardless of payment type then they will pay this fixed rate for accepting the Downtown Oakville Gift Card.
If the customer uses the Gift Card as part payment for a product or service it will be only the value of the Gift Card element of the transaction that will attract the enhanced fee of maximum 5%.

Registering is easy:

1) Complete the registration form below

The Gift Card must be run as a Credit Card only, not a Debit or Gift Card to ensure the transaction information reaches EML's system. 


Once you've completed these steps, we'll add you to The  Gift Card program.

Read the full FAQs at: