Business leaders in Sligo say the overwhelming support of the community and strong ‘shop local’ ethos has resulted in €1 million in local Gift Card sales in one year.
Over €1,000,000 of Love Sligo Gift Cards have been purchased between November 2023 and November 2024, with around 70% of sales dedicated to local organisations purchasing the Gift Card for employee rewards. Over €800,000 of the overall sales figure has now been redeemed across 240 Sligo businesses by way of 20,000 plus instore transactions.
The Love Sligo Gift Card was introduced by Sligo BID in association with County Sligo LEADER Partnership to drive spend in Sligo. Cards can only be spent in person with around 240 participating businesses, driving footfall in the town.
It was Marion Nellany’s purchase of the Love Sligo Gift Card at local sales point Mullaney Bros which took the initiative over the €1 million marker. Marion was presented with a €1,000 Love Sligo Gift Card by Finbarr Filan and Gail McGibbon from Sligo BID.
Gail McGibbon, CEO at Sligo BID said the initiative boosts local employment and keeps Sligo businesses trading: “It was fantastic to watch Marion purchase the Love Sligo Gift Card that would push us over the €1 million mark and a proud moment for our whole town. Over €1 million in sales for the Love Sligo Gift Card in a single year is extraordinary and is testament to how valued ‘shop local’ is in Sligo.
“There is zero commission for businesses to accept the Love Sligo Gift Card, so that is money that is locked into Sligo with over €800,000 already spent locally, keeping local people employed and much-loved businesses open.”
Mark Cunningham, Love Sligo program coordinator, said: “I’d like to thank local businesses for supporting the Love Sligo Gift Card and using the card for employee rewards, and I’d like to thank Sligo residents for buying the card for family and friends. The Love Sligo Gift Card has become a staple gift in Sligo in a very short time.
“Coming from a background of a small family business, I know first-hand how vital footfall into a local town is, and the 20,000 successful in-store transactions in Sligo through the Gift Card is a strong marker of success for the card and just as important as the €1 million in sales. My thanks also go to Sligo BID for placing their trust in me to coordinate the Love Sligo Gift Card in our town.”
The Love Sligo Gift Card is part of the award winning Town & City Gift Card program from Miconex, with new programs launching in November and December across Ireland in Cavan, Donegal Town, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary and Wexford.
Colin Munro is the managing director of Miconex and said the Love Sligo Gift Card is the inspiration for towns across Ireland:
“Sligo is a trailblazer for our local Gift Card concept in Ireland, showing what can be achieved with drive, commitment and passion for making ‘shop local’ a way of life. Our newly launched programs across Ireland show the appetite for local Gift Cards that make supporting local easy and convenient for all audiences.
“In 2024, we also launched new technology in Ireland which allows organisations to distribute digital e-card Town & City Gift Cards to their people online. This is key to our continued investment in the technology supporting our Gift Card programs, so we can stay at the forefront of Gift Card trends, give employees what they want and make it even easier for organisations to choose local.”
The Love Sligo Gift Card is available to purchase online at and in person at the Sligo BID Tourist Office and Mullaneys. ‘Grab and Load’ cards can also be picked up and loaded with value at 6 locations in Sligo: Centra, Sligo Credit Union, Conway & Sons, Healthwise Pharmacy, Ward’s Pharmacy and Centra Castle Street.
Check out this story in the Irish Independent and Business Plus.