Limerick organisations unite to develop ‘shop local’ gift card
A shop local initiative is one of the actions set out in the More Prosperous pillar of the Mayoral Programme. Customer facing businesses in Limerick...
A shop local initiative is one of the actions set out in the More Prosperous pillar of the Mayoral Programme. Customer facing businesses in Limerick...
Corporate social responsibility, aligning with organisational purpose and support for local are key considerations in R&I efforts. 89% said support...
Winter is the least motivating time for employees. 56% of employees showed a preference for unexpected rewards and 97% would feel more motivated if...
The new technology aligns to key industry trends including the move to digital gift cards, increased focus on CSR by organisations, and changes in...
Malmaison is powering the city with an exciting new Eat, Sleep, Love Local package and staff rewards.
Miconex's end of term client campaign picks up Best Creative Marketing Campaign at GCVA awards
The Hereford Gift Card has joined a range of national gift cards on allpay’s reward and recognition platform.
The introduction of the digital ShopLK Gift Card in Letterkenny marks 20 years since the launch of the program and over €22.7million cards/vouchers...
The Stoke-on-Trent City Centre Gift Card is set to launch in the city in August as both a digital and physical card.
The Think Waterford First Gift Card is a local Gift Card that has to be spent in the city. Over 130 businesses across a range of sectors accept the...